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Why relationships can cause excess weight

It happens that a girl, having got a couple, begins to rapidly gain weight. Can a relationship really provoke weight gain and what is the reason for such unexpected transformations.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Situations when a woman gains excess weight after starting a relationship with a man are very common. The reasons can be different: it is a banal change in lifestyle, and hidden or obvious difficulties in the couple. But the appearance of excess weight is often a consequence, and the primary source lies elsewhere".

Causes of being overweight in a relationship

  1. Lack of a sense of security. The fat layer acts as a kind of protective shell. The less secure a person feels, the thicker it is.
  2. Doubt about one's attractiveness. Psychological or physical abuse increases the risk of becoming overweight. So the body subconsciously seeks to make itself unsexy so as not to be victimized again. Eating up excitement and stress. With the help of delicious food, a person tries to relieve nervous tension, drown out worries, get rid of negative emotions.
  3. A person gains weight in order to appear more solid in the eyes of others. Sometimes we unconsciously "change" our figure according to other people's tastes.
  4. Lack of love or inability to accept love. With food comes a temporary sense of peace, serenity that is not present in the relationship.
  5. Stability in relationships. You don't have to keep in shape to attract other people.
  6. A sedentary lifestyle. Partners move less and spend more time at home. For example, the start for new kilograms can be cozy evenings on the couch with a snack under the TV series.
  7. Café dates and shared meals. With a loved one together, people may go to cafes more often, cook treats at home, drink wine and cocktails. And all this leads to weight gain and deterioration of health.

How to solve the problem

Unless you deal with the causes, the extra weight will keep coming back. Psychology alone will not work either - I recommend to act in a complex, i.e. to use both psychological and physical methods. You should control your diet and lead an active lifestyle.

  1. There is no need to give up cafes and joint dinners. But you can try to diversify your leisure time: ride bicycles, go hiking, go sapa swimming, go skiing in winter, go to an exhibition in a gallery.
  2. Learn to relax and enjoy yourself without food. Find things and activities that make you happy and draw positive emotions from them.
  3. Listen to your body. Every time you go to the refrigerator, ask yourself if you really feel hungry or if this is just another attempt to eat stress and other unpleasant emotions.
  4. Get rid of old resentments. Here you can hardly do without a psychologist. But you can try and cope on your own. Accept yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages, and if it does not work, look for other methods of fighting stress, besides food.

On the other hand, as we age, our bodies change, our habits and attitudes towards food change - and that's normal. But if you suspect that something has gone wrong in your relationship with your partner, it's affecting your body, and the changes are bothering you, it may be worth getting help. It's deep personal, body and mind work that takes time and effort, but it's worth it.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "A 50-year-old woman has revealed the perks of being in a relationship with a boy who is a year-old son of hers".

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