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There are the most alarming types of pain during menstruation

If you are bothered by painful menstruation, it can not be considered normal, doctors warn, especially if the pain is such that it is simply impossible to tolerate it.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Most women before the onset of menstruation suffer from unpleasant sensations: there is heaviness in the abdomen, headaches and weakness. In addition, there is a sharp craving for sweet or salty, the mood changes like a snap of the fingers. It's all about PMS - a condition that occurs in women of fertile age 2-10 days before the onset of menstruation. And this is not an invention of hysterical ladies: the disease is officially included in ICD-10.

During menstruation, your stomach may hurt, and the sensations are so unpleasant that you have to take painkillers. However, if you're popping pill after pill and the pain doesn't go away, it could be a red flag. Therapist Fran Yarlett told us when it's time to see a doctor for painful periods and what pain is characteristic of certain pathologies.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is the implantation of a fetal egg and the development of the embryo outside the uterine cavity. In this case, the normal development of the fetus is impossible, in addition, the life of the woman is threatened. There is a delay in menstruation, the pregnancy test gives a positive result, although not so distinct. There may be bloody, smeary, brown discharge. Pain, as a rule, is very strong and at the same time is manifested only on one side.

In addition, it may be unpleasant for a woman to go to the toilet: it is at this point that pain appears in the abdomen. In the most urgent situations, the pain becomes unbearable, tinnitus is added, and the woman may faint. Without help, there is a risk of death.

Toxic shock syndrome

This life-threatening condition can be encountered if you use tampons. If they are not inserted correctly, they can create conditions for bacterial toxins to be absorbed. As a result, a condition called toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is likely to develop. Fortunately, this condition is extremely rare, but everyone should be aware of it!

Symptoms of CTSH:

  • high temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • sharp abdominal pain that can't be controlled with pills;
  • skin rash;
  • a sudden worsening of your condition, as if you had the flu.


Appendicitis is one of the most insidious diseases. At the initial stage, it can be confused with many other painful conditions. The main symptom is abdominal pain that occurs suddenly, most often at night or early in the morning.

If a woman is menstruating at this time, she can easily mistake life-threatening pathology for menses symptoms. How to recognize appendicitis? It is necessary to be guided by the following manifestations:

  • sudden sharp pain, initially it is localized in the upper abdomen, under the shoulder blade, above the navel. It gradually "spills" to the sides, moving mainly to the right, to the iliac region (just below the waist);
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • high temperature.


The diagnosis that many people hear is cervical endometriosis, a gynecologic disease in which there is a benign overgrowth of tissue outside the uterus, in all respects very similar to the endometrium - the inner layer of the uterus. It occurs in one in ten women of reproductive age.

In almost 70% cases, the unpleasant symptoms of endometriosis are associated with menstruation, but the cycle itself is not disturbed. The pain is aching, cutting or twitching, localized in the lower abdomen, lumbar, lower back or sacrum, and radiates to the perineum, rectum or legs.

It is important to know that endometriosis can lead to the formation of cysts on the ovaries. In addition, a woman is at risk of having problems conceiving.

Perforation of the uterus with a spiral

An intrauterine device is a reliable way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. Nowadays, spirals containing copper, silver and gold are used. Their advantage is that they do not disrupt the natural maturation of the ovum, do not affect the hormonal background of the body. They are recommended for women to whom hormonal contraception is contraindicated. The spiral is installed for a period of 3 to 7 years.

In rare cases, the IUD can perforate the uterus, i.e. puncture the uterine wall. If you have had an IUD inserted in the last three months and are experiencing severe pain or strange bloody discharge, this is a good reason to see a doctor.

Sharp pain in the pelvic area, severe cramps and very painful periods, especially if they used to flow easily.

Uterine cancer

Uterine cancer is carcinoma of the endometrium, a malignant tumor of the mucous membrane that covers the organ from the inside. In the early stages, this type of cancer is usually curable. In the beginning, the disease may be manifested by cramps during periods. This occurs when the tumor presses on nearby organs, including the bladder and rectum. Pelvic pain also occurs, radiating to the back and getting worse during menstruation.

It is also advisable to learn that certain women are at risk of uterine prolapse as they age..


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