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Home + Materials + Medicine + Women's health improves markedly after giving up alcohol

Women's health improves markedly after giving up alcohol

A woman's refusal to drink alcohol will lead to results that will be visible literally on the face, but the normalization of metabolic processes contributes to smoothing wrinkles and improving the complexion.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Due to the normalization of the GI tract in a woman improves the absorption of vitamins, proteins and other vital elements, which leads to normalization of metabolism, hormonal balance, balance of the immune system, which, in turn, leads to smoothing of the skin.

Restoration of the liver, digestive and urinary systems contributes to the disappearance of swelling on the face and vascular stars (telangiectasia), returns the face healthy color, and normalizes the supply of all tissues of the body with nutrients.

When women give up alcohol, they also experience normalization of their hormonal background. This manifests itself as a softening of the voice and a decrease in body weight, resulting in a woman's femininity returning, the doctor emphasized. In addition, mood swings caused by the pathogenic effect of ethyl alcohol on the brain stop.

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