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There are signs of a man's desire to break up with his partner

Women in love tend to be sacrificial and do not notice changes in men's behavior for the worse, but at the same time there are signs by which you can determine that the partner wants to break up.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Men are not very verbal, and their actions speak for them. She named emotional coldness as the main alarm bell in her partner's behavior. If a man is withdrawn in himself, avoids talking, it is a reason to think. Even the most bogged down in problems, business and worries, a man in love will reach for warmth and affection.

Constant criticism of the partner also says that the man is dissatisfied with the relationship and may want to break it. Dinner is not tasty, the apartment is a mess, you eat wrong, walk, sit, dress... All nagging. You don't seem to be appreciated. Criticism is often the first verbal signal that you are annoying and they want to get rid of you.

When feelings and emotions cool down, a man tends to spend less time with his partner. Because of this, there are fewer joint outings, or the couple does not go anywhere at all.

He suddenly prefers to go out with friends separately from you or alone. Is he hinting that you need a "break" or planning a vacation without you? These are all warning signs. You ceased to be interesting to him. Also a woman should be alarmed by the lack of talk about the future together.

Men understand how much women need stability. If he hides the chosen one from friends and relatives for a long time and does not have any conversations about the joint future, then he is with her only because it is convenient for him. Perhaps the couple has great sex. Maybe the woman is kind, caring, allows him to throw socks around his apartment, in which he lives for free. And there's nothing else he wants from you.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "A 70-year-old woman complained of an unusual intimate problem".

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