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Several popular claims about sex turn out to be myths

Four popular myths about sex and sexually transmitted diseases are dispelled. If this is what you've been wanting to know for a while, go for it! 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

So, it is impossible to contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI) from a toilet seat. Sexually transmitted infections, she said, die too quickly outside the human body to be contracted through skin-to-skin contact with everyday objects.

It is also important to stop believing that sex cannot be accompanied by unpleasant sensations if a woman likes her partner. Sexual intercourse can be painful even in the presence of attraction. Discomfortable sensations can be caused by menopause, fatigue, physical and mental health problems.

Another myth is the claim that erection problems at a certain age are normal. According to her, despite the fact that 70 percent of mature age men face problems with potency, it is impossible to ignore them. Everyone who experiences erection problems should see a doctor and find out the cause.

It is also a misconception to believe that interrupted intercourse will avoid pregnancy. She warned that this method of contraception is unreliable because the seminal fluid may contain some sperm. Therefore, the doctor recommended the use of more reliable methods to protect against unwanted pregnancy and STIs.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "The most important male quality for women has been named".

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