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How to maintain intimacy with a partner who has survived cancer

A woman whose partner was cured of cancer and became insecure in herself and her sexual attractiveness, long agonized over how to solve this problem. And the solution was found!

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

According to the woman, she and her husband are in their early 30s and before the disease their intimate life was satisfactory. During treatment, they did not have sex, but now the cancer survivor and chemotherapy survivor is constantly berating himself and trying to end sexual intercourse quickly because his appearance has changed.

"He may not be the sexiest man in the world right now, but I'd easily forget that if he didn't constantly tell me how ugly and unattractive he is. Of course, I convince him that he's always good for me, but it's hard to get turned on after listening to him talk about how unattractive he is all day and knowing that sex is going to last a few minutes," she complained.

The woman also clarified that she realizes that recovery will be long and that her husband needs her support. However, she does not know when she should start paying attention to her own needs. Confessing to her husband the impact his words have on the letter writer is perfectly acceptable. Something like - you know, it makes me sad to hear you talk about yourself, I don't see you that way. But make it clear that when he criticizes himself, he is criticizing you as well. Tell him that it's important to you to improve your sex life, that his negative words are ruining your connection.

Also, in this case, it is important not to be shy about masturbation. Since the partner is a vulnerable person and has suffered a terrible illness, you may want to hide it. But it's better to masturbate together to interact in a context that won't require high performance skills in bed.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Erotic dreams: where they come from, what they mean and how to interpret them".

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