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Home + Materials + Medicine + It is very beneficial for women to consume fish and vegetables

It is very beneficial for women to consume fish and vegetables

Women are advised to eat fish and vegetables regularly - sources of iron, vitamin D3, vitamin B12 and even calcium, which is undoubtedly good for health.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

In this regard, female representatives of the female sex should add fish, vegetables and other products to their diet. To maintain calcium levels, it is necessary to include fermented milk products in the diet.

Many people of mature age face the manifestation of high cholesterol in the blood, which can create health problems or aggravate already existing ailments. Doctors-nutritionists told us what diet should be followed by women after 50 years of age with this feature.

It is also advisable to learn that Women should eat more healthy fats for longevity.

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