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Named "green flags" in men with whom you can build relationships

Getting to know a person starts with the first impression. Especially if it is the acquaintance of a man and a woman. So, for girls, it is important to pay attention to the behavior of a man with you and the world around him. There are a number of features that will give a great insight into his values, character, hobbies, and help determine how suitable he is as a partner.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.


First of all, no matter what anyone says, but a person is met by his clothes. Appearance is also important to understand whether the relationship with a person will work out. And it's not even about the style that he chose for a date, although this is also important. It is equally important to pay attention to the shoes of the partner: whether cleaned shoes, washed whether sneakers. In addition, pay attention to the hands and nails, whether they are well-groomed.

Sense of humor

The ability to joke, laugh and lighten the atmosphere is a very important quality that is essential in family life. However, this does not mean that a person is obliged to sprinkle sparkling jokes every second, but he must read the situation and common themes. You can boldly tell your favorite anecdote or joke and follow the reaction of a new acquaintance. If he or she doesn't laugh, boldly abandon the relationship.

Listening skills

If a new acquaintance talks about himself without stopping and is not ready to listen to you - this is a very alarming call. Think about whether you need to continue communicating if the person is only interested in himself.

Communication with service personnel

First meetings usually take place somewhere in a cafe or restaurant. Pay attention to how your beau communicates with the staff. His attitude to the people around him, and especially to those who due to work duties can not say something in response, says a lot about the person. If you feel in the actions of notes of disdain, superiority, also think about whether it is worth building a relationship with a person.

Internal sensations

Listen to your intuition. The most banal, but no less effective - close your eyes, disconnect from advice and listen to your inner voice. Try to understand how you feel around the person. If you think that you have found a soul mate, then do not think about anything or think about it later.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Why women get along better with grandchildren than with their own children".

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