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Names the place where you can't keep birth control pills

To protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, many women take OCs - reliable, convenient, effective, but they must also be stored properly.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, are one of the most popular ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Some women take the pill for years. It's a good idea to remember to visit your gynecologist regularly and monitor your health indicators. After all, no matter how great a modern drug is, taking it is an interference in the natural workings of the body.

OCs should be taken at a certain time of day every day. Everyone knows about this rule and tries to follow it. But there is another no less important nuance: oral contraceptives must be properly stored. Otherwise, they can lose their effectiveness.

Oral contraceptives should not be stored in the bathroom. The reason is that it is too humid and there are frequent spikes in air temperature. This can change the components of your contraceptive, making it less effective, so it should be stored elsewhere.

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