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Ovarian depletion is manageable

Normally the ovaries stop maturing eggs over time anyway, but this happens on average at age 50 when menopause occurs, but ovarian exhaustion can be slowed down. 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Usually, girls form a certain number of follicles in the womb - about 2 million or even more. They are like fluid sacs in which the eggs are stored. By the time of puberty, there are no more than 400,000 follicles left in the body.

Follicles are consumed every month - 10-15 per menstrual cycle. Some of them turn into dominant follicles, in which the egg matures. The rest die naturally. And so it goes until menopause. And ovarian exhaustion is a pathological process in which either the follicles are too quickly consumed, or they were initially few.

Causes of ovarian exhaustion syndrome

There are several reasons for the development of this disorder. For example, ovarian exhaustion syndrome can be inherited from a mother or grandmother.

Another common cause is autoimmune diseases, when due to a malfunction in metabolism and the immune system, the body mistakenly starts attacking itself. The syndrome is often associated with diabetes mellitus and autoimmune hypothyroidism.

External factors also play a major role. The follicles may initially be small at the stage of intrauterine development. For example, in girls whose mothers took medications during pregnancy, suffered from pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure and protein in the urine) and other complications of pregnancy, or had infections. And follicles may die after birth due to infectious diseases:

  • the flu,
  • rubella,
  • chickenpox,
  • mumps,
  • strep.

And then, of course, there is stress. Constant stress and strong emotional shocks also contribute to the depletion of follicular reserves.

Symptoms of ovarian exhaustion

A woman may not even suspect that her body is undergoing dangerous health changes. It is impossible to feel that the supply of follicles in the ovaries is exhausted.

When it comes to the end, the level of estrogen gradually drops - this is one of the main female sex hormones, which is produced in the ovaries. By the way, not only the ability to conceive depends on it. Estrogen affects a woman's figure, skin elasticity and hair appearance.

In parallel with the decline of ovarian function, the level of other hormones - luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - increases. This is how the body tries to compensate for estrogen deficiency.

The syndrome can be suspected by infrequent and irregular menstruation - this is the main symptom. Hormonal failure can also be indicated by increased sweating and fatigue, pain during sex.

The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and laboratory tests for hormones. Only after the examination can a diagnosis be made accurately.

Can the syndrome be cured

In a nutshell, no. There is no cure for ovarian exhaustion syndrome. But the process can be slowed down and controlled with the help of hormone replacement therapy. Also, to maintain a normal hormonal background, it is necessary to follow healthy habits:

  • a full night's sleep of at least 8 hours?
  • a varied diet,
  • adequate physical activity,
  • a checkup with a gynecologist every six months.

In general, it is important to closely monitor your condition, visit your doctor in a timely manner and regularly check the level of hormones - estradiol, FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHA-S). Women's health, beauty and youthfulness largely depend on their balance.

It is also advisable to learn that Insulin makes you crave junk food before your period..

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