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How to spot a woman who hasn't had sex in a while

Determine a woman who has not had intimacy for a long time, you can by a number of signs. They are so obvious and undeniable that they can be equated to a "heartfelt confession" of a representative of the fair sex.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Immunity won't say, "Thank you!" The first and foremost sign is inadequately low self-esteem. It has been proven that regular sexual intercourse increases self-confidence and internal self-esteem. Lack of intimacy affects short-term memory.

If you don't make love for months, your long-term memory will also suffer. This is explained by the fact that during sexual intercourse the blood is saturated with oxygen, which positively affects the brain and memory of a person. If a lady is often and for a long time sick, it is a sure sign that she has not made love for a long time.

Lack of intimacy leads to the fact that in the body the number of antibodies responsible for counteracting viruses falls as low as 30%! In such conditions, it will be difficult to resist colds. In the absence of sexual contacts, the quality of sleep also decreases. He becomes more restless and sensitive, a person often tosses and feels thirsty. This is because the pleasure hormone is produced during intercourse.

A "sexual crisis" can lead to withdrawal. Women who do not live a sex life, do not want to communicate with people around them, become more and more withdrawn, and the desire to make new acquaintances and disappears altogether. During sexual intercourse burns a lot of calories. Such activity is even able to replace training in the gym. It is clear that if you give up such a pleasant load, then problems with excess weight can not be avoided.

The next common external sign is the appearance of pimples on a woman's face. In addition, the elasticity of the skin in the area of breasts, hips and buttocks decreases sharply. All this will lead in the future to more serious psychological problems - depression and a negative attitude towards herself.

Experts have long established - women who make love regularly look younger than their years. Naturally, lack of intimacy will have the opposite effect. Ladies start to gray hair earlier, wrinkles appear, lose their blush. And all because of the lack of collagen (produced during sexual intercourse), which has a favorable effect on a woman's skin.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Which women have a better chance of a man liking them?".

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