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Women can unknowingly make a beau disappear

Many of the fair sex themselves do everything to make the interesting man disappear from the radar, and do not realize what their mistake is.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Let's break down the main points that prevent a woman from starting and continuing communication with a man.

Complaints about life

No one likes to be a free "vest", especially for a stranger. Men, making acquaintance with a woman, strive for calm and pleasant pastime. It's no surprise that pouring negativity on a new acquaintance at the first meeting, he will be scared off. Pay attention - what is going on in your life, are you happy in general? What you broadcast to the outside is what you attract to yourself, this is a very important point.

Stories about past relationships

What you should definitely not do in the first time, and especially at the first meetings, in order not to scare off a man - do not talk about your exes. Do not talk about former relationships and failures in this union!

Our task at the first stage is to get to know the man, to understand whether we have points of contact and whether there is a chance of building a future together. Such conversations (about past relationships) are not conducive to establishing contact with a man.


Men simply can not stand such women. It is easy to recognize them - they will "lead" the relationship and always initiate communication. Psychologist is sure that you need to be able to wait. Let the man show up. This does not mean that you can not remind him of himself, but limit yourself to gratitude for the time spent, then it is his turn to declare himself. In addition, do not ignore the boundaries of the man, which he does not allow to cross unfamiliar people.

It is also advisable to learn that men often overlook three important facts about women..

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