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The benefits of regular female orgasms have been explained

Reaching climax in sex is not only pleasant, but also important for the health of the body. A story about the beneficial properties of orgasm for women.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

At the moment of orgasm, different areas of the brain and body are activated, causing a range of reactions that favorably affect physiology and emotions. In particular, they normalize the hormonal balance.

Regular orgasms can help maintain proper levels of the important female hormone estrogen. Estrogen improves blood flow to the genitals, stabilizes the menstrual cycle and maintains the health of the uterine endometrium, which is fundamentally important for women in their reproductive period.

During orgasm, women also experience a slight increase in testosterone levels, and testosterone helps increase sex drive and pleasure and affects energy and overall sexuality.

The peak of orgasm is accompanied by the release of oxytocin, known as the "love hormone". It promotes intimacy with your partner, strengthens emotional bonds, increases trust and creates deeper intimacy. Oxytocin also improves mood and reduces stress levels.

Orgasm also improves the quality of sleep, as it positively affects the production of prolactin, a hormone responsible for feelings of satisfaction and relaxation, said the sexologist. Also at the moment of climax, according to her, there is a release of endorphins - natural analgesics and "hormones of happiness". They help to cope with stress, improve mood, create a feeling of bliss and contribute to increasing the overall positive mood of a woman. In this way, orgasms help fight depression and improve emotional well-being.

In addition, during orgasm, a number of physiological changes occur that are beneficial to a woman's body.

The heart rate speeds up, breathing becomes more intense and blood pressure rises. In parallel, the pelvic floor muscles contract, which improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. This strengthens the muscles of the uterus and vagina and improves the tone of the bladder.

In addition to physiological aspects, orgasm plays a significant role in the psychological well-being of women, contributing to the formation of a positive attitude towards their own body and sexuality, creating a sense of inner harmony and satisfaction.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Named ways to show yourself confident on the first date".

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