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Signs that your brain is aging too fast - don't ignore these harmless symptoms at age 45

There are many pros to growing up (you can buy and eat a whole cake by yourself, for example), but there are also cons. And one of the main ones is cognitive decline. Already after the age of 45, the skills of memory, reasoning, and understanding the speech of others can begin to regress noticeably. It's a natural part of maturity, but sometimes the process goes too fast - and that's when you need to be on guard and see a specialist. Here are 4 major 'red flags' that mean you need to check how your brain is feeling.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

In most cases, aging the brain too quickly can be stopped by simple means - for example, by restoring nutrient levels in the diet. In some situations, more serious medical intervention is required. In any case - don't ignore these symptoms!

Не занимайтесь самолечением! В наших статьях мы собираем последние научные данные и мнения авторитетных экспертов в области здоровья. Но помните: поставить диагноз и назначить лечение может только врач.

Потеря чувства равновесия

Flexibility and strength are two important components of balance. It is necessary for the body to remain upright. Balance, if not specifically trained, begins to deteriorate around the age of 50; in addition, a decrease in muscle mass, also age-related, causes additional difficulties. But periodic loss of balance can also be a warning sign that something is going on in your brain.

Сложности с мелкой моторикой и координацией

Резкие перепады настроения

In women, they often accompany menopause. But in general, feeling and regulating mood is a function of the brain. If this process is completely out of control, it may be a clear sign that it's time to talk to your doctor.

Невозможность вспомнить или подобрать слово

Конечно, время от времени забывать несколько слов вполне естественно. Но если ты чувствуешь, что это происходит слишком часто, возможно, твой так мозг говорит, что ему требуется помощь. Если ты понимаешь, что теряешь долговременную память или не можешь формировать кратковременные воспоминания, это может быть признаком резкого ухудшения когнитивных функций.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Expert explains why women are less likely to become CEOs".

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