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Seven ways to strengthen relationships that will work for absolutely everyone

Each person is unique, just as the relationship between two people is unique. And yet human nature makes us make the same mistakes. The following 7 tips are universal and will suit absolutely all women who want to make their relationship better and are ready to work on it.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Keep dating

Regardless of the stage of the relationship you are in, don't be tempted to switch to autopilot and take your partner for granted. Try to make a conscious effort to strengthen the bond, just as you did at the beginning of the relationship. This can be gestures of caring, shared leisure activities and even a seemingly simple conversation to get to know each other better. Habit leads to stagnation in a relationship - unusual dating will allow you to grow as a couple and as a person, discovering yourself from new sides.

Give thanks and praise

The habit of complaining about your partner should give way to praise, even "behind the scenes" in conversations with girlfriends. Just as there is a reason to be annoyed, there is also a reason to be happy: perhaps he talked you into going to the doctor, put gas in your car, picks you up from work, or bought your favorite cheese that he can't stand, takes care of the bills, or does the dishes after dinners? Make gratitude your daily practice and watch your partner want to be even better for the sake of a woman who appreciates his efforts.

Love alone is not enough

Relationships built solely on feelings can be too fragile: remember how you feel during a quarrel - hardly you are exhausted in such moments of great love. Consciously choosing a partner becomes the platform that provides the backbone to overcome conflicts. Take time to really identify why you are with this person. Answer the question, what values and goals you have in common, what makes your union different from others.

Refuse to make comparisons to other couples

It's normal to compare your couple's relationship with other families in your circle - it's human nature. You may even be able to learn something useful and relevant from others. However, comparisons through the prism of envy will soon damage your happiness and well-being. Worrying about other people's purchases and luxurious vacations, you lose sight of your own trajectory: set your own rules that suit you and your partner, instead of trying to live someone else's life at all costs.

Allow yourself conflicts

Disagreements are not born out of nowhere - you hardly think up a reason to take offense and fake misunderstandings. And if you already have questions to the partner, let them sound: your goal is not to arrange the loudest scandal in the neighborhood, and come to an understanding with minimal losses for both of you the faster, the better. Often the desire for the appearance of an ideal relationship outweighs and accumulated problems slowly poison the relationship until the tension does not reach a critical point.

Be honest

Under the oppression of toxic positivity on the web, we get used to sharing only positive moments and stories with happy endings, with few exceptions. But all of this doesn't work well for romantic relationships - without the alternative side of life, true intimacy is impossible. Falls, failures, and mutual help are more likely to help rub off on each other and make your couple stronger than a complete calm without troubles and problems. Not only best friends, but also partners are tested by adversity.

Work on trust every day

Many couples consider trust as something like a partner's duty and do not even think about the fact that it is formed by a lot of little things that strengthen it or, on the contrary, destroy it. Even if you adore watching videos lying in the bathtub, the habit of always taking your phone with you is rather alarming, as if you have something to hide, so do not hesitate to voice the truth, anticipating suspicions. Friends about whom the partner knows nothing, hiding plans - all this is not conducive to rapprochement. Make conscious steps to trust each other more - including some secrets.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Practicing phone sex with an older woman has been given advice".

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