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How to avoid being harassed by a stranger on the street

It's worth calling loved ones on a video link, faking a conversation or videotaping the attacker.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

You have to follow "basic" self-defense rules.

Such recommendations in conversation with the radio station "Govorit Moskva" gave Alexander Fedorovich.

"I wouldn't just be talking about people with spring and hormones and all that other stuff, but basically how you should follow basic self-defense rules. One should not get on an elevator with a stranger, much less two. One should be attentive when entering the entrance.From the simplest options of self-defense I would suggest using the phone. If a person realizes that somehow the situation is not yet dangerous, but already doubtful, at this moment it is quite enough to take out the phone, maybe even turn on a video link, simulate this call with someone close.If a person is walking from the subway at night to his home, talk to someone from the household, reasoning that: "Why don't you come out and meet me?". Often, the mere writing on the wall "smile, you are being filmed by a hidden camera" - in itself has a sobering effect on the offender.

There are a lot of different means of self-defense - gas and pepper cans, things that give flashes, loud sound. Of course, use your own voice, you can and should call for help, go to the most lighted spaces. Such simple recommendations can somehow affect the safety of health, maybe the life of a citizen".

Before that, a 23-year-old previously convicted man stabbed a girl in the neck for refusing to walk her home. The incident took place at the Ploshchad Revolutsii metro station in Moscow. The attacker stabbed the victim multiple times in the area of the head, neck and right arm. Then he tried to escape, but was detained by passengers and handed over to law enforcement officers.

The defendant is charged under part 3 of article 30, part 1 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted murder). 1 article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted murder). He was taken into custody.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "How to avoid being harassed by a stranger on the street".

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