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A woman mistook cancer for menstrual pain

Louise Faye from the UK had been suffering from abdominal pain for several years, thinking it was due to her cycle, and it turned out to be a rare type of cancer.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Louise Fay from the UK is 39 years old and works as an air traffic controller. A few years ago, she suddenly started having severe cramps during her periods. The woman had never experienced pain during menstruation before, so this change in her health was a bit of a surprise.

However, she still attributed her discomfort to her woman's days. After a while, severe pains began to appear not only during "periods". The woman went to a therapist, but the doctor convinced her that nothing serious was going on. Her pains were due to GI problems, abdominal bloating and constipation were to blame. The doctor prescribed Louise a laxative. However, it didn't help.

The woman was then sent for an ultrasound scan. The examination showed that Luisa had an ovarian cyst, which had already reached 17 centimeters in diameter. The tumor had begun to grow into her stomach, putting pressure on her bladder and kidneys. Tests also revealed that the woman had a tumor in her appendix. Louise needed emergency surgery.

"I felt like my world was falling apart at the time. I had lost my mom to colon cancer a few years earlier, so I was afraid history would repeat itself. I had already started planning my own funeral, assuring my boyfriend that I wouldn't live to be forty-five," Louise recalls.

The woman was eventually diagnosed with pseudomyxoma peritonei. This is a diffuse mucinous carcinomatosis that occurs when different types of tumors metastasize. To simplify, it is a rare type of cancer, the tumors cause fibrosis of tissue, which causes the affected organs to begin to function poorly.

To save Louise, doctors performed a complex operation. They removed six organs: her spleen, appendix, small intestine, ovaries, uterus, part of her liver and peritoneum.

The complex intervention was combined with chemotherapy. Oncologists did everything to prevent the cancer from progressing further. The treatment yielded results. Now Louise is recovering, coming to her senses after the difficult treatment, but she realizes that this is only the beginning of a difficult journey.

Due to the removal of her uterus and ovaries, a woman has entered early menopause. She is already taking hormone replacement therapy to relieve her symptoms.

"Now I just want to look forward. I'm excited to celebrate Christmas with my family, I'm going to enjoy every day. Women, if you think it's just abdominal bloating and aches and pains, get checked anyway," Louise concluded.

It is also advisable to learn that doctors removed 15 myomas from a woman, saving her chance to become a mom.

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