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Yogurt, tea and scrambled eggs helped Elizabeth II live to be 96 years old

The late British Queen Elizabeth II in her lifetime loved simple and healthy food: her daily menu included English tea with bergamot, cereal with yogurt, toast with jam and a hearty omelet with smoked salmon or smoked haddock, writes the publication.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Elizabeth II also often ate crème brûlée with oranges and chocolate sponge cake, the report said.

The late Queen was a fan of simple healthy food and did not live to eat, but ate to live. She had a very practical approach to food, and her diet did not change for years. Every day she had a table set for her in the main dining room at Buckingham Palace. This daily menu may have helped her live to the age of 96," said Darren McGrady.

It is reported that Elizabeth II started her mornings with a cup of Earl Grey tea without milk or sugar. Tea was served with biscuits and toast with fruit jam. At lunchtime she might have a little gin or a cocktail. For dinner, Elizabeth II often had game or venison Gallic steak with a whiskey-based mushroom sauce. If the queen had guests, she usually ordered additional dishes.

For example, if she had dinner with Prince Andrew, she included his favorite crème brûlée with Sandringham oranges. And if Prince William visited her, she ordered chocolate sponge cake," McGrady said.

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