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Home + Materials + Medicine + A woman gave birth to a healthy son who grew in her peritoneum

A woman gave birth to a healthy son who grew in her peritoneum

Thanks to the skill of doctors, the mother and baby remained alive and healthy - this is an extremely rare case: usually ectopic pregnancy ends in the death of the fetus.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

If we get a stomach ache, the first thing we assume is that we ate something wrong and remember what we ate for lunch. In women, abdominal pain sometimes signals the approach of menstruation.

However, sometimes this symptom can be associated with something completely unexpected. The New England Journal of Medicine described the story of a woman whose bloating and discomfort turned out to be signs of an ectopic pregnancy... in her peritoneum. Her story is considered unique for several reasons at once.

A 37-year-old resident of Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean had been suffering for several days from abdominal pain, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms that kept getting worse. Examination revealed: the woman is in the 23rd week of pregnancy. Most strikingly, the fetus had formed in the abdominal cavity, between the stomach and intestines. The placenta was attached to the upper part of the pelvis.

The chance of fetal death in an ectopic pregnancy is as high as 90%, previously it was thought that the baby would not survive such a pregnancy. In theory, the chances of survival for babies increase from the 24th week, and from the 29th week onwards, 80 to 90% babies are likely to come out.

Doctors asked the woman to wait until her 29th week. She traveled to France for the operation. There, doctors cut open her abdomen and were able to remove the baby. The mother went for a separate operation 12 days after the birth so that doctors could remove the rest of the placenta.

Since the boy was born prematurely, he was transferred to the intensive care unit. Three months later, both he and his mother were discharged. It is not clear how they are feeling now: they have not been seen by doctors anymore.

It is also known that the woman already had two children. In addition, she had a history of miscarriages.

It is also advisable to learn that barefoot walking is good for.

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