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Home + Materials + Medicine + The active effect of alcohol on the female body has been proven

The active effect of alcohol on the female body has been proven

There are reference tables that show how alcohol breaks down in the body. In women, it really does happen almost twice as slowly.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Why is this so? The female body's response to alcohol is more complex than that of men: at the very beginning, when alcohol enters the stomach, it is broken down more slowly in women. This is because the activity of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in men is significantly higher. Plus the absorption of alcohol from the intestines depends on the phase of the monthly cycle, and it is significantly higher during the critical days. Women have more adipose tissue and therefore more alcohol accumulates in it. Because of all this, its effect is more toxic, it affects internal organs and liver more severely.

But that's not all. Due to the presence of a large number of sex hormones (estrogens), liver cells are more sensitive to the toxic effect of alcohol. The mechanisms of this influence are very complex, but because of this, the risk of developing alcoholic liver disease in them is twice as high, and the doses required are twice as low.

These peculiarities of ethyl alcohol metabolism were also taken into account in the introduction of official moderate doses of alcohol for men and women. They are considered beneficial for the heart and blood vessels and, in the case of wine, amount to 150 ml per day for the fair sex and 300 ml for the stronger sex. Natural wine, preferably dry, is considered to be the most optimal of all alcoholic beverages. It has the most biologically active substances with beneficial effects. At the same time, red wine is better than white wine, as the color of most of the beneficial substances is red-purple.

It is also advisable to learn that an important fruit for women's health has been identified..

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