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Ketodiet promotes pregnancy

Malaysian scientists have found that a ketogenic diet can increase the likelihood of pregnancy in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

The authors conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of seven studies with a total of 170 participants. Adherence to the diet was assessed using urine or blood tests in four studies, counseling or telephone reminders in two studies, and participants' self-reported records in one paper. The effects of ketodiet on participants' weight were examined, as well as on three reproductive hormones-testosterone, progesterone, and follicle-stimulating hormone.

The team found that a ketogenic diet, which was followed for at least 45 days, helps reduce testosterone levels in the body of a woman with SPKJ. An excess of this hormone leads to fertility problems as it prevents the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries. The participants also recorded less follicle-stimulating hormones, which in the long run increases the chances of ovulation. In addition, subjects on the study diet lost an average of 11 percent of their body weight.

The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate diet that emphasizes increased fat and protein intake. When carbohydrates are reduced, the body goes into a state of ketosis - it begins to produce ketones in the liver for use as energy. This diet recommends eating meat, fish, poultry and eggs, as well as non-starchy vegetables, leafy greens and full-fat milk.

It is also advisable to learn that severe toxemia can lead to miscarriage.

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