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Severe toxemia can lead to miscarriage

In general, toxicosis is a common phenomenon, and pregnant women, as a rule, should not be frightened of it, it comes about 4-8 weeks, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and by 12-14 weeks the woman becomes better, and toxicosis recedes, but it does not always happen. 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Toxicosis in pregnancy: what it is dangerous

In general, toxicosis is due to the fact that the body adapts to the state of pregnancy. Therefore, it "shakes" a little, but then everything normalizes. At the same time, toxicosis, manifested in the second and third trimester, should be put out of brackets. In this case, there is an increased risk that the process will go hard. To determine that toxicosis is beyond normal, it is not difficult at all. In such cases, a woman: loses more than 5% of body weight, experiences vomiting 10-15 times a day (in the norm they should be no more than three), can not drink and eat. A doctor should be consulted immediately. Severe toxemia leads at best to dehydration, and at worst to internal organ failure and miscarriage.

The dangers of pre-eclampsia

By the way, if vomiting and nausea persist or reappear after the 22nd week, it may be a sign of pre-eclampsia, a very serious complication. In pre-eclampsia, a woman's blood pressure rises sharply, the heart and kidneys begin to fail, and in the urine appears a lot of protein. If the situation is allowed to progress, it can lead to multi-organ failure or even death of the woman and her baby.

It is also advisable to learn that a woman has developed "blue sweats" during pregnancy..

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