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Home + Materials + Medicine + Doctors removed 15 myomas from a woman, saving her chance to become a mom

Doctors removed 15 myomas from a woman, saving her chance to become a mom

Due to a large number of benign tumors in the uterus, the 33-year-old woman's belly grew as if she were 20-22 weeks pregnant.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

A young resident of the Moscow region came to the gynecological department of the Kashira hospital with a previously diagnosed uterine leiomyoma. Moreover, due to the masses in the uterus, her abdomen had grown to a large size. Doctors decided to perform the operation so as to try to save the patient's uterus and reproductive function. In addition, as doctors say, the complete removal of the organ is fraught for a woman not only the inability to become a mother in the future, but also other serious consequences: a sharp disruption of the ovaries, the development of early menopause, the emergence of psycho-emotional disorders.

According to Oleg Malinov, head of the gynecology department, gynecologists at Kashirskaya Hospital performed the operation using their own technique: it allows them to remove the maximum number of nodes while preserving the structure and functional integrity of the uterus. In total, the doctors removed 15 myomatous nodes from the woman, each with a diameter of 1 to 15 centimeters.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, the postoperative period passed without complications. The young woman still has to undergo rehabilitation. A follow-up examination six months after the operation showed that there were no voluminous formations in the uterus. The doctors once again reminded that all women, even if they have no pathologies and complaints, should visit a gynecologist once a year: the earlier the disease is detected, the more effective and easier the treatment will be.

Lipoma, like myoma, is also a benign tumor that consists of fat cells. A 54-year-old resident of the Moscow region grew a lipoma on her thigh, but she was in no hurry to have it removed. Over two years, the lump grew from a small bump to such a size that it became visible even through her clothes.

The difficulty was that the lipoma was about 15 centimeters in diameter and was located in the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. During surgery, there was a risk of damaging the muscle, which would have affected the mobility of the leg and quality of life in general, and in the worst case scenario, could have led to the amputation of the leg. Fortunately, everything ended well for this woman.

It is also advisable to learn that You should be as careful as possible with medications during pregnancy.

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