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Home + Materials + Medicine + There are several reasons why it is difficult to cure cystitis

There are several reasons why it is difficult to cure cystitis

Chronic cystitis is a disease very unpleasant and can turn your life into a constant vicious circle of treatment and relapses, so it is important to know what causes can interfere with the treatment of cystitis in women.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Chronic cystitis is a very unpleasant disease that can turn your life into a constant vicious circle of treatment and relapses. The active phase of the disease greatly affects the quality of your life and does not allow you to do normal activities.

Life with chronic cystitis can really turn into hell if you don't take action in time. What should you do if you are tired of fighting cystitis and no antibiotics help? You need to act according to the following plan.

  • Check hormonal balance and rule out sex hormone deficiency

Not everyone knows that cystitis often comes with menopause. And you may not even have guessed that this period has already come. In addition, the disease often occurs against the background of other hormonal disorders: hypothyroidism, excess prolactin, lack of fats.

  • Check your gut health

There is a rule: bad flora in the intestine indicates exactly the same flora in the vagina. It makes sense to get an E. coli test.

  • Rule out GI disease

Diseases of the pancreas, malfunction of the gallbladder, gastritis - all this can provoke the development of inflammatory processes and a sharp increase in bacteria first in the intestine, and then in the vagina.

  • Think about what you're eating

It is better to minimize the amount of foods that cause inflammation: these are baked goods, sweets, carbonated lemonades, alcohol and fried foods.

  • Assess your stress level

The fact is that too active production of cortisol weakens the resources of your entire body. Along with this, the immunity of the genitourinary tract also decreases. In addition, stress can also affect the hormonal balance.

Symptoms of cystitis:

  • frequent urges to empty the bladder, which often do not produce urine;
  • discharge of cloudy urine with impurities of pus, blood, flakes;
  • lower abdominal pain radiating to the groin, lower back, inside the abdomen;
  • burning, tearing, painful urination;
  • daytime or nighttime incontinence;
  • a rise in temperature;
  • general weakness, malaise.

It is also advisable to learn that there are 7 signs that indicate a hormonal disruption..

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