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In some cases, chest pain should not be ignored

It's an unpleasant but frequent symptom of the hormonal party that inevitably occurs during the menstrual cycle, but sometimes it's dangerous to ignore such pain.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website

In general, unpleasant sensations in the breasts (we are talking specifically about, so to speak, the mammary gland area, not the heart) can be divided into two types - cyclical and non-cyclical (easy to remember, yes).

Cyclical is related to the menstrual cycle and is considered normal due to natural changes in the body. How it manifests itself:

  • occurs a few days before the period, much less often - 2 weeks, after the beginning of the period passes or noticeably subsides;
  • the pain itself is dull or aching, noticeably severe;
  • appears on both sides of the chest;
  • swelling is not uncommon;
  • your breasts may feel rougher to the touch.

Why is this happening? During the cycle, the hormones in a woman's body become erratic, causing small cysts in the mammary glands and ducts, which are painful. Sometimes you can even find them with your fingers. There is nothing criminal or fatal in them, they will hurt for their term, and then - after the period - just dissolve.

Non-cyclic pain has nothing to do with the cycle, as the name implies. It is distinguished by:

  • permanent or periodic in nature;
  • tingling, tightness or burning;
  • The manifestations on one side, and not all over the iron, but as if in a certain point;
  • post-menopausal onset.

This kind of pain - non-cyclic - is also often a type of normal, but not always. And how to realize that you should not go to the doctor, but run? Highlighted are the main points:

  • My breasts have been hurting every day for over 2 weeks now;
  • it's not connected to the cycle;
  • and it's occurring in a specific location;
  • intensifies over time;
  • is starting to get in the way of life;
  • and even wakes me up at night.

If you can't figure out on your own what and when it hurts, during the cycle or not, it is better to collect data on sensations and tell everything to your gynecologist. He will be able to determine exactly better than you and in case of what - will send to ultrasound and tests.

It is also recommended to find out, What pain in the left side in women signals

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