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A woman who cheated on her husband for 14 years explained her behavior

A woman who has been cheating on her husband of 14 years, to whom she has been married for 20 years, has explained why she is cheating on him.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

According to the 44-year-old woman, she has had a total of eight affairs on the side. She stated that relationships with lovers fill her with passion and help her avoid the routine of marriage, as she and her husband have sex only once a week. At the same time, the cheating woman is happy that her husband has not found out about any of the affairs and does not want to leave him.

She finds the thought of sleeping only with her husband depressing, and to keep her lovers from wanting a serious relationship, she chooses men much younger.

"I sleep with other men purely for the delight it brings to an ordinary and quite tolerable life," she said, adding that she feels desirable with young lovers.

She also noted that she is now in a relationship with a coworker. Their affair lasts longer than usual, as the woman enjoys having sex with him.

A woman like that can only be pitied. Just like her husband. Most likely, she suffers from addiction to sex in various forms and a constant desire to change partners.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Men listed women's household habits that surprised them".

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