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Why do pregnant women's teeth deteriorate?

Pregnancy itself does not affect the condition of the teeth, but the accompanying circumstances can lead to deterioration of their condition, primarily due to poor oral hygiene.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

So, the first reason is poor oral hygiene. Many people during this period allow themselves to consume excessive fast carbohydrates - flour products, fruit and sugar. These products tend to adhere well to the surface of the teeth and become nutritious food for harmful bacteria if not brushed in a timely manner. The second reason is the wrong choice of dentist. It is necessary to visit him regularly without interruption for several years and regular hygienic cleaning. Dental treatment is necessary before planning a pregnancy.

A baby in the mother's body does not deprive her of calcium. Pregnancy is a physiological process in which minerals leave not only the teeth, but also the blood, bone tissue, and the entire body of the woman. However, for the most part, all these processes are reversible, that is, the amount of minerals resumes over time. Do anesthesia during pregnancy can and should be done, because the greatest harm is caused by the stress that the woman and the fetus inside her will experience. The same goes for x-rays.

It is also known that parents are capable of infecting children with tooth decay. At birth, children's bodies do not have the bacteria that cause it. However, if the parents' teeth are not treated, children get it through airborne transmission (through hugs and kisses from parents, for example).

It is also advisable to learn that Certain parts of the body lose weight the fastest after childbirth.

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