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Psychologist told of "compensatory" development of high intelligence in ugly women

People with outstanding external data get used to ease of communication from childhood, but in adulthood they face a "break in the pattern". This was reported by Elena Solovyova on the air of the radio station "Govorit Moskva".

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

"In the adult world, a person who can just know their appearance traits and can manage them achieves much greater results. Let's take a beautiful and an ugly woman. A woman who is ugly is able to correct certain flaws with clothes, heels, makeup, image, but at the same time she still compensatorily develops high intelligence. A beautiful person is taught from childhood that their appearance decides. This is how natural selection takes place - a beautiful person is like an ideal candidate to give birth to beautiful and healthy offspring. So when we see a beautiful person, our unconscious reads them as an ideal candidate. Beautiful people initially get used to everything being easier, and then they come to adulthood, and everything does not work like that, and they have a breakdown of the template. Or beautiful people are subjected to a huge number of claims. In the case if a person can manage his beauty, it will be easier for him to live, but very often a beautiful person does not understand how to be with it. He gets a lot of attention, and envy and revenge are also forms of attention. So very often it is more difficult for the beautiful to live."

Earlier, a psychologist told about the influence of the "ancestral script" on love relationships. Unconscious repetition of situations from the life of ancestors is possible, even if a person is not aware of them.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "The optimal amount of sex in a happy relationship has been named".

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